Publications (구성원의 논문목록)
**Top journal(분야 최우수 저널)
*10% SCIE journal(분야 상위저널)
Sediment TIE Validation Study Using South Korean Domestic Species Glyptotendipes tokunagai to Evaluate Contamination with Two Heavy Metals and Ammonia
YJ Bang(Co-first), R Singh(Co-first), DH Hwang, JM Lee, IS Kwak, JW Park, TY Jeong
Sustainability 16 (23), 10318
Toxic effects of fragmented polyethylene terephthalate particles on the marine rotifer Brachionus koreanus: Based on ingestion and egestion assay, in vivo toxicity test, and multi-omics analysis
JW Yoo, JS Park, YH Lee, TJ Choi, CB Kim, TY Jeong, CH Kim, TH Kim, YM Lee
Journal of Hazardous Materials*, 134448, 2024 (IF:14.2)
Differential surface microbial community and thalli metabolome as early indicators of disease in red algae Pyropia yezoensis
HJ Bae, YJ Bang, JA Jeong, WK Kim, H Lee, SY Moon, TY Jeong
Aquaculture International, 1-18, 2024 (IF:2.2)
Fungal Microbiome of Alive and Dead Korean Fir in its Native Habitats
YH You, JM Park, YB Ku, TY Jeong, K Lim, JH Shin, JS Kim, JW Hong
Mycobiology, 1-17, 2024 (IF:1.9)
Machine learning-based water quality prediction using octennial in-situ Daphnia magna biological early warning system data
H Jeong, S Park, B Choi, CS Yu, JY Hong, TY Jeong, KH Cho
Journal of Hazardous Materials*, 133196, 2023 (IF:14.2)
Transcriptome and computational approaches highlighting the molecular regulation of Zacco platypus induced by mesocosm exposure to common disinfectant chlorine
TY Suman, SY Kim, DH Yeom, Y Jang, TY Jeong, J Jeon
Chemosphere, 137989, 2023 (IF:8.9)
JW Yoo, HJ Bae, MJ Jeon, TY Jeong, YM Lee
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-16, 2022 (IF:4.9)
B Choi, TY Jeong, S Lee
Heliyon, e11096, 2022 (IF:3.8)
Metabolomic analysis predicted changes in growth rate in Daphnia magna exposed to acetaminophen
E Lari, TY Jeong, LM Labine, MJ Simpson
Aquatic Toxicology *, 106233, 2022 (IF:5.2)
Pyrolytic Remediation and Ecotoxicity Assessment of Fuel-Oil-Contaminated Soil
B Choi, JS Yu, GY Kang, TY Jeong, EH Jho, SJ Lee
Toxics, 245, 2022 (IF:4.5)
EAO Pereira, V Kovacevic, TY Jeong, MJ Simpson
Applied Environmental Metabolomics, 259-271, 2022 (Book chapter)
Antioxidant enzyme activity in Daphnia magna under microscopic observation and shed carapace length as an alternative growth endpoint
EH Kim(Co-first), JA Jeong(Co-first), EK Choi(Co-first), TY Jeong
Science of The Total Environment *, 148771, 2021 (IF:7.9)
Endocrine Disruptor Exposure Causes Infochemical Dysregulation and an Ecological Cascade from Zooplankton to Algae
TY Jeong, MJ Simpson
Environmental Science & Technology**, 3845-3854, 2021 (IF: 9.0)
Reproduction stage specific dysregulation of Daphnia magna metabolites as an early indicator of reproductive endocrine disruption
TY Jeong, MJ Simpson
Water Research**, 116107, 2020 (IF: 11.2)
Time-dependent biomolecular responses and bioaccumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in Daphnia magna
TY Jeong, MJ Simpson
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 100701, 2020 (IF: 2.6)
<Published before Sep. 1st 2020, opening our lab>
Targeting the Lowest Concentration of a Toxin that Induces a Detectable Metabolic Response in living Organisms: Time Resolved In vivo 2D NMR During a Concentration Ramp
D Lane, .... TY Jeong, AJ Simpson
Analytical chemistry, 2020 (IF:6.9)
Daphnia magna metabolic profiling as a promising water quality parameter for the biological early warning system
TY Jeong, MJ Simpson
Water research** 166, 115033, 2019 (IF: 11.2)
Understanding the Fate of Environmental Chemicals Inside Living Organisms: NMR-Based 13C Isotopic Suppression Selects Only the Molecule of Interest within 13C-Enriched Organisms
D Lane, .... TY Jeong, AJ Simpson
Analytical Chemistry 91 (23), 15000-15008, 2019 (IF: 6.9)
Reproduction Stage Differentiates the Time-Course Regulation of Metabolites in Daphnia magna
TY Jeong, MJ Simpson
Environmental Science & Technology** 53 (21), 12764-12773, 2019 (IF: 9.0)
Comparative microbial communities in tidal flats sediment on Incheon, South Korea
HJ Choi, TY Jeong, H Yoon, BY Oh, YS Han, MJ Hur, S Kang, JG Kim
The Journal of general and applied microbiology 64, 232-239, 2018 (IF: 1.4)
Effect of β-adrenergic receptor agents on cardiac structure and function and whole-body gene expression in Daphnia magna
TY Jeong, J Asselman, KAC De Schamphelaere, ... SD Kim
Environmental Pollution* 241, 869-878, 2018 (IF: 8.0)
Profiling the decomposition products of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) irradiated using an electron beam
TH Kim, S Yu, Y Choi, TY Jeong, SD Kim
Science of The Total Environment 631, 1295-1303, 2018 (IF:7.9)
Mode of action characterization for adverse effect of propranolol in Daphnia magna based on behavior and physiology monitoring and metabolite profiling
TY Jeong, D Yoon, S Kim, HY Kim, SD Kim
Environmental Pollution* 233, 99-108, 2018 (IF:8.0)
Sorption of nitro explosives to polymer/biomass-derived biochar
SY Oh, YD Seo, TY Jeong, SD Kim
Journal of Environmental Quality 47 (2), 353-360, 2018 (IF:2.7)
Multigenerational effects of the antibiotic tetracycline on transcriptional responses of Daphnia magna and its relationship to higher levels of biological organizations
HY Kim, J Asselman, TY Jeong, S Yu, KAC De Schamphelaere, SD Kim
Environmental science & technology** 51 (21), 12898-12907, 2017 (IF:9.0)
Multigenerational effect of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) on the individual fitness and population growth of Daphnia magna
TY Jeong, MS Yuk, J Jeon, SD Kim
Science of The Total Environment 569, 1553-1560, 2016 (IF:7.9)
Bioaccumulation and biotransformation of the beta-blocker propranolol in multigenerational exposure to Daphnia magna
TY Jeong, TH Kim, SD Kim
Environmental Pollution* 216, 811-818, 2016 (IF:8.0)
Sorption and toxicity reduction of pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in the presence of colloidal humic acid
I Kim, HD Kim, TY Jeong, SD Kim
Water Science and Technology 74 (4), 904-913, 2016 (IF:1.9)
Determination of conjugated estrogens in human urine using carrier-mediated hollow-fiber liquid phase microextraction and LC-MS/MS
HY Kim, SH Yoon, TY Jeong, S Yu, SD Kim
Desalination and Water Treatment 57 (34), 16024-16033, 2016 (IF:1.2)
Reduction and persulfate oxidation of nitro explosives in contaminated soils using Fe-bearing materials
SY Oh, HS Yoon, TY Jeong, SD Kim, DW Kim
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 18 (7), 863-871, 2016 (IF:4.2)
Evaluation of remediation processes for explosive‐contaminated soils: kinetics and Microtox® bioassay
SY Oh, HS Yoon, TY Jeong, SD Kim
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 91 (4), 928-937, 2016 (IF:3.1)
Application of toxicity identification evaluation procedure to toxic industrial effluent in South Korea
JS Ra, TY Jeong, SH Lee, SD Kim
Chemosphere 143, 71-77, 2016 (IF:7.0)
Multi-generational effects of propranolol on Daphnia magna at different environmental concentrations
TY Jeong, HY Kim, SD Kim
Environmental Pollution* 206, 188-194, 2015 (IF:8.0)
Relationship between trans-generational effects of tetracycline on Daphnia magna at the physiological and whole organism level
HY Kim, S Yu, T Jeong, SD Kim
Environmental pollution* 191, 111-118, 2014 (IF:8.0)
Development and evaluation of new behavioral indexes for a biological early warning system using Daphnia magna
TY Jeong, J Jeon, SD Kim
Drinking Water Engineering and Science 7 (1), 1, 2014 (Non-SCI)